According to theAlgerian dailyElWatan, Algeriahas thelargest solar potentialofthe entire Mediterranean basin. The proofhas been provided bythe German Space Agency (ASA), which wasassessedbysatellites.TheEngland Features seemunequivocal.The potentialis thusestimated at169, 440 tera-watthours/ year (TWH / year)for solar thermaland 13.9 TWH / yearfor solarphotovoltaic. Algeria iscurrently contemplating on benefitsthatmight derive from astrong developmentof its solar energy.This is one ofsub-Saharan countrieswiththe highest rateof sunshine,and if thatcountry decidedto equip, itwould make it thelargest producerof solar energyin the Mediterranean basin...
This is definitely a move in the right direction, and will hopefully encourage other North African oil producing countries to follow Algeria’s lead.
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